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Snarl is based around a moment. That moment that occurs when you are driving to work; or on your way to a meeting. The traffic is not great, but it's moving, so far so good. Making good time, you decide to go one possible way to your destination over the other possibilities. You take the M5 instead of Parramatta Rd...Parramatta Rd instead of the City West Link....Gore Hill Expressway instead of the Highway.

"Traffic hasn't been that bad, this will be the quickest way", you reason.

As you pass that point of no return, there lies the most stationary cars you have ever seen. Horns blaring and angry drivers swearing under their breath.

In confusion you turn on the radio, just in time it turns out, for the traffic reporter to notify you that you have indeed gone the wrong way. If only you had known about this incident as it happened, you wouldn't have gone this way. Things could have been so different.

This is where Snarl comes in. We endeavour to give you the most up to date information we possibly can. Whether you check us before you leave, or while you travel, we want you to help avoid these moments. Starting with Sydney, and moving on to other cities, we want to make your driving experience as smooth as possible.


Based on data from Roads & Maritime Services.
"The accuracy or suitability of the Data is not verified and it is provided on an "as is" basis."

Real time data is provided by Roads & Maritime Services.

Queensland traffic incidents reported by 131940 and Brisbane City Council.

Victoria traffic incidents reported by VicRoads.

Launch image uses map data from OpenStreetMap.org. Data is © OpenStreetMap contributors

Snarl reserves the right to anonymously track and report user activity inside the application.

Please do not use your mobile phone while driving. It is illegal

Latest Incidents

  • M5 Motorway in Main tunnel
    13 minutes ago
  • Pacific Highway between Amy Close AND Brittania Drive
    39 minutes ago
  • Burley Griffin Way at Combaning Creek
    56 minutes ago
  • Warringah Freeway below Miller Street
    1 hour and 58 minutes ago
  • M4 Motorway just past Woodville Road
    2 hours and 3 minutes ago
  • Pacific Highway near Houston Mitchell Drive
    5 hours and 2 minutes ago